By now Software wide-spread
presence across all walks of life is being felt by all specially with emergence
of social media & mobile devices recently. Pace at which software need to
be delivered to market to meet users’ needs was never so fast.
Agile projects are successful three times more often than non-agile projects, according to the 2011 CHAOS Manifesto from the Standish Group.
• Individuals
and interactions over processes and tools.
In this dynamic world, sticking to
traditional software development methodologies is highly risky as it may fail
to meet target users expectations in desired time.
Software products/ applications need to be
developed in an iterative way building features by features. Edward Deming’s
PDCA (plan-do-check-act) is an iterative four-step management method used in
business for the control and continuous improvement of processes and products.
It is the foundation for lean thinking. This is great if you are in an established
market. Colonel John Boyd, a military strategist and fighter pilot, developed a
similar concept known as the OODA (observe, orient, decide, and act) loop. This
is very good if you are in a highly volatile marketplace.
In past, Organisation have used waterfall
SDLC model in iterative way to reduce risks and to speed up deliveries however
they are now adopting to Agile SDLC methodologies to deliver business value to project sponsors.
in 2010, Gartner’s analysts (Thomas Murphy
and David Norton) predict that by 2012 “agile development methods will be
utilized in 80% of all software development projects”. The authors explain that
although Scrum will continue gaining in popularity over the coming years,
organizations will not be successful in their transition unless they move
toward a team-focused culture.
Agile projects are successful three times more often than non-agile projects, according to the 2011 CHAOS Manifesto from the Standish Group.
Agile Manifesto emphasize on following four
core values
• Working
software over comprehensive documentation.
• Customer
collaboration over contract negotiation.
• Responding
to change over following a plan.
While Agile project management methodologies
delivers value, one should perform organisations agile readiness assessment
before adopting agile practices to better identify opportunities which can be
best served using Agile Practices.
3 main pillars of Agile Assessment are
People, Process (incl. Organisation Structures) and Technology.
- People
It assesses things like the current people
capability, the perceived capacity for change, the staff demographics (PM, BA,
QA) by roles and the organisational recruitment plans. It’s important to get
early line of sight in these areas as it’s important to develop plans to
improve skills and change the ratio of roles early.
- Process
It measures the current process capability
prior to introducing any change. Value-Stream Mapping technique helps us to get
a good understanding of the current process efficiency and helps to identify
good places to start our improvement activities.. portfolio: the blend of
projects, size, cost and other similar information. This helps us to identify
good pilot projects and identify any challenges that we are likely to face
integrating our new processes at a portfolio management level
- Technology
Assessments in this space are best focused
around reviewing the architecture strategy and standards to identify potential
pain points.
I think all organisations in the business of
software applications development should perform agile readiness assessment to
find out where do they stand and what all they need to address to start this
change to deliver business value to its stakeholders.